laupäev, 10. jaanuar 2015

Jete Užāne - Cimdu Jettina

Ravelry´st leiab väga põnevaid lugusid kohalike "kudumisgurude" kohta. Nt tänane stoori:

Jete Užāne (1924–2007) is a famous Latvian knitter who has knitted almost three thousand pairs of mittens. Her life wasn’t easy due to health problems. She fell ill at about 5 and had to spend almost all her life in a wheelchair – since she was 12 years old… Her mother then gave her needles and yarn, and since then knitting was the way how to live and express herself. She knitted lots of ‘thematic’ mittens (nature around her, literature, four seasons, art and music, etc.).

About the white mittens – once Jete was asked what ‘beautiful’ meant for her. “Beautiful is white’, was the answer. ‘White’ is a very special notion in the Latvian folk songs, and Jete also knitted thematic mittens dedicated to dainas (our folk songs).

(Source )

Teda kutsuti Cimdu Jettina nagu ma siit lugesin. Sellest lingist näeb ka fotosid tema omanäolistest kinnastest. Imelised ja isikupärased!

Üks video temast, kus näidatakse ka tema kindaid, need valged on nii ilusad.

1 kommentaar:

  1. Aitäh, et jagasid! Väga huvitav! Lähedased naabrid ja me ei tea neist suurt midagi.
